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Where Are You?

I start my third semester in college this Monday. 3 days ago, I actually couldn't wait to get back to college because I was so bored at home doing nothing much. MY results were released today and after scrolling through it online (fingers crossed and all), I suddenly don't feel like going back. Reason being...well, the obvious really: I didn't do too well and I'm right now in the why-me-Lord stage. I mean, this wasn't suppose to happen so early in the course. I knew I was gonna have a few rotten grades on my transcript but I was not prepared to see them in my second semester for god's sake! It's waaaaay too early to be getting bad grades. But then again, shit happens...right? I still think I didn't deserve it and the ONE paper I was counting on to up my grade point average, let me down. So all the more I'm bummed. the funny/frustrating thing is, I can't seem to figure out what went wrong!

If you've done your best and as the saying goes- left the rest to God, you're suppose to do well right? He's suppose to help you get through it right? So why can't I help but feel a wee bit guilty and why did He not help? I read blogs that testify His goodness and His enduring promisses but somehow, I feel as if I'm not getting any of it no more. Yes, there was a time where I could stand up and say of His blessings but it's been a while since I saw those blessings; and I'm not saying this just because I didn't do well in my finals. I just feel generally, He's not being...can I say fair (or is that being hypocritical?). Where are you, Lord? You said you'd always be there. So, where'd you go?