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Sleep Deprived

Seeing as I'm currently on a study break, I haven't had much of a life beyond the four corners of my home. So, being the 'smart' person that I am, i decided to stay up late till 5.30am this morning to try and get some work done. of course, what actually happened was another story alltogether-although i did do a little work, i ended up watching Desperate Housewives because i couldn't catch the earlier show. In fact, the only reason i'm not watching The Practise right now is because i'm here, blogging...i'm trying real hard to refrain myself from turning off the computer and turning on the TV...but i shan't because i HAVE to finnish at least 3/4 of my assignment before i cll it a day. speaking of The Practise, i seem to have developed a fettish for guys who are lawyers/potential lawyers. Come to think of it, based on the TV shows i watch, i seem to have a fettish for men in uniforms and of course, laywers. is it because I'll probably never end up in a profession of that sort? Hmmm....But the locals here who wear uniforms don't hold up to the honor of wearing it, no offence! Really, the majority of men in uniforms in this country are just such...bums, well most of 'em anyway. walk into a police station and you'll know exactly what i mean. i wonder if i'll get sued for publishing such a statement on the internet. But then again, that's the reason why we have the internet isn't it? so we could all have total freedom of speach??!

Oh, the other thing I did besides bum around and try and finnish my assignment was that i went for threading t'day. If you don't know what that is, it's the Indian version of plucking your eyebrows (I say Indian because i've yet to meet a non-indian who does this). How is it done? With the simplest tool ever-thread! yeah, you heard me, it's the same thing we use to sew our loose buttons. Waht they do is twirl that thread and place it in such a way your eyebrow is like in the middle of...you know waht? I'm not gonna bother attempting to explain how it is done because to quite simply put it, I suck at giving explanations of this sort! But i will tell you one thing-it hurts. Try picturing a rubberband being rolled on your arms/unshaved legs...yeah, ouch! oh well, in the wise words of someone i can't quite recall, 'it hurts a little to be beautiful'...oh and for the record, the thread snapped like four times while the lady was threading my eyebrows...that's how thick my eyebrows were...haha! But it's all worth it at the end of the day coz when i stare at my sister in anger, i just have to raise my eyebrow a little and it'll really show that i'm angry...and I always wondered how Rad did it...lolz.

Ok, so I think I better get back to work...man i wish i was five again. Learning the ABCs were a lot more fun than having to construct actual WORDS with 'em!

P.s: I know my blog is quite simple in terms of layout, but i just wanted to get ths site up and running...i'm def gonna change it after my finals...so, till then please bear with me.

About me

  • I'm Naveena
  • From Auckland, New Zealand
  • I'm rough around the edges but, I'm God's working progress. I don't allow myself to bruise easily but I sometimes I can't help it. I love wholly and there isn't much that I hate. I believe that life is about the journey and not the destination because by default, the former determines the latter. Yes, I am THAT girl.
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