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You know what i hate the most? People who make you wait for more than 20 minutes, then have the gall to lie about why they were late. Seriously, if you're gonna lie about being late, at least have the decency to cook up a story worth buying into! i mean yeah, i've had my shares of making people wait (no one is perfect!) but it's never anymore than 15 minutes and I would bother to call and say so. yeah, i've pissed people off by making them wait but that doesn't mean I have to be punnished in return for having to wait for my driving instructor for a whole HOUR-SEVERAL TIMES! Really, Malaysians in general are not punctual but Indians, are the worst breed! i should know, i'm an Indian. But lucky for me by parents are both very punctual and my dad especially don't tollerate inpunctuality (correct me if i used the wrong prefix, if u will) and he loaths it...prolly where i get that from. Lets just say that my instructor hasn't been a very good one (I shan't bore you with details)and so fed up of me whining at home, my mom decided to call her and she had the nerve to say that she's been calling and leaving me messages i don't seem to reply, when in fact, it's been otherwise! i can't believe her!!!

Seeing as how i'm on hols for the next month, mom has arranged for me to finnish my course in the next 2 weeks. You prolly think that i'm 18 years and still too chickened to handle this on my own, but truth is, i'm actually not very good at reasoning (i'm working on it though) and my mother is just the total opposite. she's so nice she can never say no to many things...hence the reason why i have a cousin living in my house and also the reason why i'm still alive- she's been reasoning with me all my life! Daddy was the one who did all the spanking, mom prefered the "valour of her tongue", dealing with me requires a lot of patience and yet, patience is NOT my my virtue, but that's another story alltogether.

While i'm being a bum and not keep myself busy, i came a cross this site- it was this questionnaire thing about my personality and love life (not that it's any accurate) but i decided to give it a go for fun and yeah, fun i had! this is so hilliarious and 100% un-true, i think you should have a look at it:

July 15, 2005
You are a Rocker Girl!
If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's.
Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know.
Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime.
Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker!

I of course i'm not into this kinda things but i just find it so facinating how people can just categorize you just by a quiz and it's not like they even know you! interesting how do it ain't it? So, for the record, i don't see myself as a rocker and i'm not planning on finding love in one either, and i do have musical talents. i don't think i've got the best MP3 collection but as for the guys-find-me-intimidating part, i'd leave that to you...i can't say for sure because i just can't find a reason why any fella would be intimidated by me- me of all people! Anyways, if you wanna have a good laugh, try taking the quiz here: http://www.yournewromance.com/kindgirlquiz.html

About me

  • I'm Naveena
  • From Auckland, New Zealand
  • I'm rough around the edges but, I'm God's working progress. I don't allow myself to bruise easily but I sometimes I can't help it. I love wholly and there isn't much that I hate. I believe that life is about the journey and not the destination because by default, the former determines the latter. Yes, I am THAT girl.
My profile