...and My List is Complete!
Great! Just what I need- the sore throat and flu. Now my list of pre-examination stress is complete. Why does this ALWAYS happen? For as long as I can remember, every time I have a major examination to prepare for, Mr and Mrs Bacteria will deligently pay me a visit bringing along the useless offspring of theirs. When I was going through my UPSR, it was the cold. When PMR came a'calling, Flu barged in through my nose the day I had my Math paper. I didn't get spared during the final most crucial college determining season of my life- SPM; Fever added itself to my already sleep-deprived body. And now when I have to sit through the final paper of my last sememster here in HELP University-College, I get the freaking sore throat and flu!!! Why me? Why now?!
Lord, please remind me to take my vitamins everyday so I can laugh at all these mean-lean-tiny beaings and get rid of them all!
Trust me, you'd think that having only one final paper means I get to relax a little as compared to some of my collegemates who have three, so me four papers. But on the contrary, the preassure can come from the reverse direction too- Just because I have one paper, there's no excuse not to do well in it. I mean, technically I've a little more time and so theoretically, I SHOULD do well in this course; the operative word being SHOULD. I think I'm toast...with tuna and mayo as the filling...
Aiyoooh! you poor darling!!!! Best of Luck for exams!!!! Party time is just around the corner my dear! ;)
Posted by
mythsn_legends |
11:56 PM
haha, yeah it is, isn't it? thanks so much kuen, all the best for ur stats paper on saturday, girl! just hang in there a couple more days. then u can call me up and we can go listen to good music and sip white wine...lolz!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:27 PM