on Being Between Colleges
You know how the politically correct term for jobless people is "between jobs"? Has anyone coined the term "between colleges"? If no one has, I'd like to 'copyright' this term as my own =)
I thought of this term just today when yet another person (probably for the gazzilionth time) asked me what I am doing currently. Seeing as how I'm technically on a long break from college and only resuming in February next year, I think it's only apt to say that my current status (as far as career/education goes) is "between colleges".
Speaking of jobs, it's been a hectic weekend as I had to work on Friday, Saturday and today. But it wasn't like the getting-into-the-office-and-doing-a-nine-to-five kind of work. Actually, I was at the Asian X Games because I had to do an event coverage on it for the webmag I work for (Xfresh.com). While it was simply amazing to watch breathtaking daredevil stunts performed by all those fantastic (and some hot!) people, I was super tired when I got home. It's exhausting, I tell you!
Anyways, the point I was going to make before the above explanation was that when I got home at about 10.30p.m yesterday, my mom picked up on my tiredness and commented, "I don't know why you're working so hard. It's not like they're paying you a single cent. Why can't you just do the minimum that you have to?" Well it was something along those lines, if I didn't get it all down properly. I was just too tired to bother and defend my actions. Besides, trying to explain it to her would just be nothing short of a futile attempt.
This brings me to the question: Why is it that just because I'm not getting paid for what I do, must I be a slacker at work?
I'm an intern. At this juncture of one's "career" it's a huge blessing if one gets paid as an intern. I knew that I wasn't gonna get paid here even before I handed in my resume. Which might pose the question, "Why even take the job in the first place?". EXPOSURE and EXPERIENCE. That is all I want and need for now. What I lack in income is more than made up for by the hands on working experience I gain. Nothing is more valuable than that. On the plus side, due to my nature of job, I get good perks. Really, if I get to sit in for interviews with esteemed personalities(this weekend it was stars of the skateboarding and in-line skating arena) and get to do reviews for movies and music, sharpen my writing skills and and work alongside reporters, does it matter that I don't get paid? Also, in the process, I get to meet many new faces. Now, tell me that doesn't make up for the absence of my salary. Tell me!
I think it's good that I gain working experience while I'm still studying and even before I actually put in both my feet into the working world. What say you? So, the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that when it comes to the working world, anyone can get a job. What seperates one good employee from an average one is his/her prior working experience. That is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to climb up the corporate ladder.
*I will post up pictures of the Asian X Games as soon as I get them sorted out. Look out for that*
I thought of this term just today when yet another person (probably for the gazzilionth time) asked me what I am doing currently. Seeing as how I'm technically on a long break from college and only resuming in February next year, I think it's only apt to say that my current status (as far as career/education goes) is "between colleges".
Speaking of jobs, it's been a hectic weekend as I had to work on Friday, Saturday and today. But it wasn't like the getting-into-the-office-and-doing-a-nine-to-five kind of work. Actually, I was at the Asian X Games because I had to do an event coverage on it for the webmag I work for (Xfresh.com). While it was simply amazing to watch breathtaking daredevil stunts performed by all those fantastic (and some hot!) people, I was super tired when I got home. It's exhausting, I tell you!
Anyways, the point I was going to make before the above explanation was that when I got home at about 10.30p.m yesterday, my mom picked up on my tiredness and commented, "I don't know why you're working so hard. It's not like they're paying you a single cent. Why can't you just do the minimum that you have to?" Well it was something along those lines, if I didn't get it all down properly. I was just too tired to bother and defend my actions. Besides, trying to explain it to her would just be nothing short of a futile attempt.
This brings me to the question: Why is it that just because I'm not getting paid for what I do, must I be a slacker at work?
I'm an intern. At this juncture of one's "career" it's a huge blessing if one gets paid as an intern. I knew that I wasn't gonna get paid here even before I handed in my resume. Which might pose the question, "Why even take the job in the first place?". EXPOSURE and EXPERIENCE. That is all I want and need for now. What I lack in income is more than made up for by the hands on working experience I gain. Nothing is more valuable than that. On the plus side, due to my nature of job, I get good perks. Really, if I get to sit in for interviews with esteemed personalities(this weekend it was stars of the skateboarding and in-line skating arena) and get to do reviews for movies and music, sharpen my writing skills and and work alongside reporters, does it matter that I don't get paid? Also, in the process, I get to meet many new faces. Now, tell me that doesn't make up for the absence of my salary. Tell me!
I think it's good that I gain working experience while I'm still studying and even before I actually put in both my feet into the working world. What say you? So, the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that when it comes to the working world, anyone can get a job. What seperates one good employee from an average one is his/her prior working experience. That is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to climb up the corporate ladder.
*I will post up pictures of the Asian X Games as soon as I get them sorted out. Look out for that*
Agree with you on that chica! ;)
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